How to Operationalize Geospatial Datasets into Self-Service Analytics at Scale


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Learn how to use location-based datasets and blend large amounts of internal and external data to innovate and make smarter decisions.
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Now available on-demand!

Data and analytics leaders across industries can benefit from operationalizing diverse data sources like location-based (geospatial) datasets with internal data to enrich and improve self-service analytics as well as predictive models.

This webinar will discuss how companies like Verizon Media, Esri, Choice Hotels, and Tripadvisor use location-based datasets as a key ingredient to improve how they can innovate, make smarter decisions, enhance customer experiences, and solve business challenges.

Data and analytics specialists from AtScale and SafeGraph will walk through how to blend large amounts of data together for advanced geospatial insights across industries. You’ll hear about detailed examples from the retail, advertising, insurance, and financial services industries and leave with a clear understanding of how a semantic layer can merge large disparate datasets.

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In this webinar

You will learn about:

  • Blending high quality third-party geospatial data with internal data
  • Extending analysis-ready data to all of your business stakeholders at scale
  • Leveraging metadata (labels, annotations) for deep dimensional analysis
  • Real-world examples of data initiatives from AtScale and SafeGraph customers
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Who should watch

Chief Data Officers, data scientists, business intelligence, and analytics professionals.