Consumption-Based Pricing

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Choose the Plan that’s Right for You

We offer multiple plans that support pricing and use cases for all types of teams, from small organizations to the largest enterprises. AtScale offers a consumption based pricing model where you only pay for what you use. We provide you cost predictability and confidence that scales to your analytics needs.

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Pay Only for Deployed Semantic Objects

Only pay for semantic objects that are visible and can be used in an end user’s analytics application like Tableau, Power BI, Excel, or Looker. Do not pay for semantic objects being developed but not yet deployed for testing or use for “production” use cases.

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Unlimited Users, Queries & Data Sizes

We do not bill for data size, number of users, or number of queries. Have every employee, customer, or supplier query the AtScale Semantic Model against the largest data set you have in the cloud.

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As Deployed Semantic Objects Increase, Semantic Object Prices Decrease

The greater the number of deployed semantic objects you commit to consuming, the cheaper the price per deployed semantic object.

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