AtScale + DataRobot Integration
AtScale functions as a semantic layer for both BI and Data Science on cloud data platforms. By combining DataRobot’s user-friendly visualization tools with AtScale’s advanced semantic layer, teams working in BI and data science can seamlessly access live cloud data using their preferred tools.

Fast Queries on Live Cloud Data
With AtScale, DataRobot AI platform connections run with the same efficiency as data extracts, enabling live, interactive queries regardless of the data’s size or location. Users can analyze billions of rows of data without needing to move it, making new data source integration instant and removing the need for coding or ETL processes.
A Unified Source of Truth
AtScale enables the creation and management of consistent, business-focused data models that serve as a unified source of truth for all users. These models are reusable and easy to find, boosting data literacy and promoting self-service BI. This allows for company-wide visibility into modeled data through DataRobot AI platform or other BI tools within your infrastructure.

Real-Time Access to Cloud Data
Achieve ultra-fast performance with live cloud datasets without extracting or ingesting data. Through advanced query virtualization and AI-powered cloud orchestration, AtScale fully leverages modern cloud data platforms, optimizing both performance and resource utilization for BI tasks, while ensuring secure and governed data access.