March 7, 2019
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms 2018: What’s New?!
Every year, many of you reach out to thank us for our analysis of Gartner’s famous Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence. Thank you all for your feedback!
This year, we’ve decided to go one step further: in addition to our written analysis, we will be sharing our perspective as part of our upcoming “BI on The Data Lake Checklist” webinar.
Be sure to register here: the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence (BI) 2018 is bound to surprise you and our analysis will help you navigate its subtleties…
The MQ research for BI has been in existence for close to a decade. It is THE document of reference for buyers of Business Intelligence technology.
Over the years, we have helped thousands of you understand its intricacies and subtetlies. As you can see in the below quick video interview of Gideon Gartner (Gartner’s founder), there is a lot to consider before you use this decision making tool…
When it comes to 2018, you might be asking yourself:
- What will happen this year?
- Why should it matter to your organization?
- How should you best use Gartner’s information?
Those will be the questions we will attempt to answer as part of our webinar. Be sure to register here.
If you’re looking for a quick refresher, be sure to read our 2016 and 2017 analysis below:
- Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence (BI) 2017: Microsoft and Tableau took off while Qliktech declined. More here.
- Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence (BI) 2016: Most vendors experienced downgrades, some more than others: Oracle was taken out of the MQ. More here.
__Magic Quadrant Movements (2016->2017). __
Source: Benjamin Arnulf
Magic Quadrant Movements (2015->2016).
Source: Thomas Dismore