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The Aggregate system is at the heart of the AtScale system. Seeing the entire system in action is extremely beneficial for cube designers, administrators, and advanced BI users.

In this one-hour workshop, we walk through all of the different types of aggregates, and demonstrate when and why they are necessary, and the best practices for using them.

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You’ll learn:

  • Aggregates & Aggregate System Overview: Definitions and query and aggregate lifecycle
  • Demand Defined Aggregates: When and how AtScale creates them, and how to tune
  • User Defined Aggregates: Use cases including distinct counts and partitioning
  • Prediction Defined Aggregates
  • Hinted Aggregates: Understanding the use case and how to configure
  • Prediction Defined Aggregates: How to configure and tune
  • System Aggregate Settings: Limits, partitioning, and rebuilding