AtScale + Snowflake Overview

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Learn how the combination of AtScale’s Semantic Layer and Snowflake make your data scientists and business intelligence teams more productive and your Data Cloud infrastructure more cost-efficient.

AtScale and Snowflake have been working together for years to enable customers the ability to model and provide a semantic layer over data in Snowflake to accelerate BI and AI applications.

In this Tech Talk, David will provide an overview of AtScale + Snowflake and dig into popular use cases like replacing Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services OLAP cubes on the Snowflake Data Cloud, optimizing SQL directly against Snowflake, and getting a live connection to BI tools like Power BI via DAX.

Before And After AtScale

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In this Tech Talk

We will dive deep on:

  • Migrating legacy “cube” architectures like SSAS to the Snowflake Data Cloud for blazingly fast dimensional analysis using automatically created aggregates on Snowflake.
  • Extending Snowflake support for native and multi-dimensional interfaces like DAX and MDX.
  • Getting a consistent set of business metrics for BI and Data Science teams to consume Snowflake data using the tools of their choice.
  • Accelerate and grow adoption of time series use cases for data science and BI.
  • Using a semantic layer within the enterprise data fabric to support analytics discoverability, governance, and security.
  • Accelerating end-to-end query performance while pushing down compute to Snowflake.
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Who should watch

BI and AI leaders and practitioners (e.g., Chief Data Officers, data scientists, and analytics professionals) who want to better understand how Snowflake’s Data Cloud and AtScale’s Semantic Layer can deliver blazing fast self-service analysis for everyone in your organization.