October 9, 2019

How Digital Transformation Enables Big Data Analytics

There's sometimes a misconception in the understanding of Big Data. Isn't is just analytics? They're related, but in this movement, data has become not only bigger but more complex meaning that anyone seeking to glean intelligence from Big Data must…

Posted by: Wendy Boucher

September 24, 2019

What is a Data Fabric?

An Adaptive Analytics Fabric answers enterprise demand for agile, data-centric architectures for advanced analytics. Some of the top trends that data and analytics leaders need to address to be relevant and impactful in advancing their critical business priorities have been…

Posted by: Wendy Boucher

September 17, 2019

ETL vs ELT: What’s the Difference? & How to Choose

Data Loading, part of the ETL trinity, is conceptually very easy. Where it gets interesting is - at what point do you do the loading? Pre or Post the Transformation, where data is transformed from one format or structure to…

Posted by: Matt Baird

August 5, 2019

Supercharge your DataOps: CIO and CDO unite to create a shared data intellect

Embracing DataOps DataOps seeks to realize the insight-driven business by creating better ways to develop and deliver analytics across organizations. DataOps emphasizes interactions, working analytics, customer collaboration, experimentation and cross-functional ownership over tools, documentation, contracts, upfront design and siloed responsibilities…

Posted by: Charlie Wong

July 11, 2019


*Editor’s note: This is an update to the "Why You Need An Advanced Analytics Fabric " post we published a while back. This update expands on the challenges of a traditional data warehouse and outlines the 10 requirements of intelligent data…

Posted by: Dave Mariani

July 3, 2019

What is Data Streaming?

Data streaming is a strategy employed when the source of information generates data on a continuous basis and near real-time updates are required to allow analysts a more recent view of data (usually aggregated) by which they make decisions. In…

Posted by: Matt Baird

June 20, 2019

What is a Cloud Data Warehouse?

A cloud data warehouse is a database delivered in a public cloud as a managed service that is optimized for analytics, scale and ease of use. In the late 80s, I remember my first time working with Oracle 6, a…

Posted by: Dave Mariani

June 19, 2019

Can the Cloud Rescue Retail?

The retail category is in a ride-or-die situation when it comes to the cloud. Many retailers, under pressure from Amazon and the growth of eCommerce, have already gone out-of-business. In fact, more than 7,000 brick-and-mortar locations have closed so far…

Posted by: John Gaffney

June 14, 2019

What is Data Transformation?

Data transformation is the T in ETL. Data Transformation means that data in one format is processed, either inside or outside the data store and persisted in the new required format. This transformation can take several forms, from column storage…

Posted by: Matt Baird