November 11, 2020
How Do You Identify Your Most Valuable Customer? Join Us and Learn How
We’ve all had to quickly adapt to remote working during the pandemic. Businesses have, for the most part, done a good job of adapting to this new environment – but it has been a process full of ups and downs. CEO and Executive Chairman of AtScale, Chris Lynch, recently discussed on Trending Topics TV how your business can not only can survive the pandemic, but how it can thrive. How also discussed ways in which the pandemic is helping create more of a level playing field in terms of geography for the tech industry because it, especially for the people of Bulgaria – and how to capitalize on the opportunity. The pandemic has given us time – what does he mean by that? Click here and watch the video. Below are the stories in this week’s edition of AtScale’s Data News Roundup.
Looking Inside A Big Data Toolbox – May 28th, 2020
By Adrian Bridgwater
Big data analytics can be used for attaining business insights. We’re seeing this as businesses are starting to reopen and looking for relevant data to help keep people safe.
The Big Reset: Getting the Job Done – Conquering & Adapting to a Remote Lifestyle –May 31st, 2020
Trending Topics TV
How do you survive and thrive in remote mode during the pandemic? Chris Lynch talks about the opportunities in the remote lifestyle for the Bulgarian tech sector. This keynote was part of the online conference The Big Reset: From a Crisis Mode To Entrepreneurial Mindset, organized by Trending Topics SEE.
14 Strategies For Making Productive Use Of Consumer Data – June 3rd, 2020
By Expert Panel, Forbes Technology Council
Dave Mariani, AtScale’s co-founder and chief strategy officer, shares his thoughts on how to effectively use data to boost productivity, sales and customer service is the goal in mind.
In addition, here are a couple of recent webinars featuring AtScale to check out:
Experts from Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, AtScale and Tableau teamed up to share new COVID-19 data and insights on how public health officials and researchers are analyzing thousands of reports in real-time to help end the COVID-19 pandemic and prevent the next one from happening.
How to Perform OLAP And Multidimensional Analysis with Excel And Google BigQuery
Dave Mariani, AtScale’s co-founder and chief strategy officer, demonstrates how Excel users can perform rapid querying and multidimensional analysis on Google BigQuery.