July 21, 2022

Ops for MLOps: AtScale AI Innovation Council Insights

We kicked off our inaugural AtScale AI Innovation council today discussing a hot topic: Ops for MLOps: Best practices and processes to expedite model creation and reduce the need for significant re-training. We had a fantastic group of members dive…

Posted by: Zach Eslami

June 14, 2022

What Is DataOps and How a Semantic Layer Can Support It

There are six key areas for effectively consuming data for business insights: data, access, model, analyze, consume, and insights. For organizations looking to advance in each of these areas, AtScale’s Data and Analytics Maturity Model Workshop explains how teams can…

Posted by: Dave Mariani

May 31, 2022

Deliver Self-Service BI at scale with the Semantic Layer + Databricks

I recently had the opportunity to sit down for a tech talk with an extraordinary guest: Franco Patano, the lead product specialist for Databricks SQL. We had a great conversation about how a semantic layer can work with the Databricks…

Posted by: Dave Mariani

May 17, 2022

The softer side of enterprise analytics: Culture, Org Design, Process Management

Many companies pursuing a path to data-driven decision-making  – accelerated through data democratization – struggle with how to define and support the core people, roles, and competencies involved with data (data creators, enablers, and consumers).  In many cases, the path…

Posted by: Brian Prascak

March 31, 2022

Scaling Self-Service Analytics: Actionable Insights Series Part I

  Curated advice from 50+ data leaders, industry experts & customers Over the last 12 months, we've hosted 18 webinars with 50+ industry experts, data leaders, and customers reaching an audience of 25K+ data and analytics community members/professionals.  I've decided…

Posted by: Dave Mariani

February 24, 2022

Data Leader Interviews: Lessons Learned from Cigna, Visa, Amazon & HCL

I recently connected with a few of the top data leaders to discuss the role of business analytics and machine learning at their organizations. We chatted about the nuances of global data programs, promoting data literacy at large enterprises, measuring…

Posted by: Dave Mariani